scientific program
Second International Workshop on Electron and Photon Transport Theory
Applied to Radiation Dose Calculation, June 2-5, 1997
The Lawrence H. Lanzl Institute of Medical Physics, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
9:00 Ed Larsen: Welcome
9:15 John Hubbell: Early history of the Compton effect and on the
incoherent scattering function
10:00 Martin Berger: Plural and multiple scattering of low-energy electrons
10:30 Coffee and Group Photo
11:00 John Garth: An outline of a review of electron and
photon transport in the 1 keV - 10 MeV energy range
11:30 Jose Fernandez-Varéa: Simulation of inelastic scattering
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Ed Larsen: Theoretical Foundation of the
condensed history algorithm
2:00 Iwan Kawrakow: Multiple scattering theory
3:00 Coffee
3:30 Alex Bielajew: History: Correspondence with
Leonard Eyges
3:40 Alex Bielajew: PRESTA I to PRESTA II: The new physics
5:00 Peter Dickoff: Mapping dose distributions: Mapping rules
5:30 Craig Beckett: Mapping dose distributions: Continuous scattering
mapping algorithms
8:30 Lech Papiez: Diffusion equations with hard collisions in multiple scattering (30 min.)
9:15 Luo Zhengming: The Bipartition Model of charged particle transport: History, status, and developments in the near future
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Bingjing Su: A non-Gaussian treatment of the
radiation pencil beam
11:15 David Jette: Coordinate systems for expansions of the Fokker-Planck
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Edward Larsen: An
asymptotic correction the to Fermi-Eyges theory
2:15 John Garth: Solution of the Fokker-Planck equation (for
electrons) in infinite media using the Method of Moments and the Maximum Entropy Method
2:45 Christoph Börgers: On the convergence of Monte Carlo and PSE
3:15 Coffee
3:45 Francesc Salvat: Electron transport: Numerical
transport equation(s) vs. Monte Carlo simulation
4:45 Anders Ahnesjö: ???
8:30 Yoshihito Namito: Improvement of EGS4 code on
the inner-shell ionization and relaxation
9:15 Grady Hughes: MCNPX The LAHET/MCNP code merger
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Tatsuo Tabata: Simple algorithms for the depth-dose
curves of electrons: Present status
11:00 Paul Keall: Super Monte Carlo: Electron and photon transport methods
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Hans Neuenschwander: Macro Monte Carlo
2:15 Iwan Kawrakow: Voxel Monte Carlo
3:00 Coffee
3:30 Business Meeting: Where do we from here?
6:30 Banquet: at the Farmhouse
9:00 Lech Papiez: Optimization of treatment planning
Linear criteria and optimal control methods
9:45 Bruce Faddegon: Electron Monte Carlo radiotherapy treatment
planning at Toronto-Sunnybrook
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Jack Janssen: Determination of the
initial phase space of a clinical accelerator
11:45 John Garth: Understanding and modeling x-ray transmission and dose in
thin multi-layered structures (with applications to radiation testing of electronics)
12:15 Lunch
1:45 Ken Adams: Short presentation
on our Fokker-Planck code
2:15 Giovanni Di Domenico: ???
3:00 Coffee
3:30 George Sandison (chair): Panel discussion: Brainstorming session on path-length correction
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